
Visit to Bartın OSB within the Scope of KOSGEB European SME Week Activities

  • Visit to Bartın OSB within the Scope of KOSGEB European SME Week Activities

  • 2024-2025 Academic Year Fall Semester Department of Political Science and Public Administration Master's Degree Student Recruitment Announcement (For Turkish Citizens)

  • Müge Çağlayan, one of our department's doctoral students, received her doctorate with her doctoral thesis titled "Examination of Climate Change and Zero Waste Policies at the Level of Local Governments in Turkey."

  • Melike Kayıral, one of our department's doctoral students, was awarded the title of doctor with her doctoral thesis titled "Analysis of the Justice and Development Party's Transition from Liberal Conservative Discourse to Local and National Discourse."

  • Assistant revenue specialist Emine Ezgi Avanaş, a graduate of our department, gave information to our students about assistant revenue specialist within the scope of career days.

  • Within the scope of Political Science and Public Administration Career Days, Bartın Deputy Governor Mr. Uğur Karakaya informed our students on 22/05/2024.

  • Promotion of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Bartın University

  • Tekrarlayan Çatışma Bağlamında Türkiye Yunanistan İlişkileri

  • Mülki İdare Tecrübesi -Bir Kamu Yönetimi Yolculuğu-

  • 21. Yüzyılda Siyasal Temsil Kavramı Üzerine Belirlenimler